Thursday, September 3, 2015

Creating Custom Learning Pathways with Micro learning

Micro learning involves learning in "nuggets" or digestible chunks. Learning this way discourages the idea of mastering a topic but instead promotes learning information as it is needed. 
Teaching online requires teachers to function as subject matter experts AND course designers. Teachers must design courses that inspire, stimulate and motivate students to learn on their own. Micro learning supports this by allowing teachers to customize content in a course. Customizing nuggets of relevant information on a topic empowers students to create their own learning pathways in a course. This in turns helps to motivate them to learn.

Here are some thoughts on how micro learning can be used to create custom learning pathways:

* Let students lead the way in their own learning

Stop pushing information to students. Let them figure out things out for themselves.
Allow students to select how they want to learn a subject. Offer different options such as chapter readings, PowerPoint presentations and concept maps
Give students guidelines to help them discern what they need to know for course requirements.
Allow students to select have they will be assessed on topics.

* Present independent learning modules (objectives, activities, assessments, resources) that are "fair game" throughout a semester.
Present learning modules that do not "expire". Encourage students to reuse knowledge that they have learned in previous learning modules.
Define "live topics" as ones that students need to know about or at least know where to find information on.

* Allow students to learn at their own timing and pace
Relax deadlines and realize that some students may take longer to complete assignments. 
Accept drafts of projects so that students can get feedback on how they are progressing.

* Customize your help and support for students
Communicate to all students frequently throughout the week by email and the use of class newsletters.
Be sure to provide detailed feedback on all assignments for all students.
For students who need more support, offer different options such as emailing, telephone, IM, screen sharing and real-time conferencing.
Use collaboration forums that encourage students to post questions that can be answered by you and/or anyone in the class.

Related articles I recommend

Course Design Tips for Micro learning

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